Monday, August 30, 2010

Introduction and The Subconscious

So I begin my love for blogging once more. I have to be honest, I didn't stumble on this blogging website by accident, nor was I suggested or referred here. I simply googled "blog" and this was on the first page, and happened to be the link which landed under the deadly tip of my mouse. But I really wanted somewhere I could release my brain onto.

I enjoy internet communities. It really is very different to real life, considering you can type something, proof read it, and if it didn't come out the way you wanted it, you press backspace a couple of times and history is re-written. Such a luxury we have. Whether as in real-life, when you exert information from you're brain and out from you're mouth, nothing can be taken back, and what is said is then history and you must deal with the consequences without any luxury such as the backspace key we have on our keyboards (or a time-machine).

I'm twenty years of age, and I still feel like a child. My occupation at the moment involves alot of customer-service. I get a wide variety of characters that come into my work, although the vast majority are either drunken pub crawlers or some junky that's on some illicit drug. I receive these types of customers mainly because of the hours I work (graveyard shifts 10pm-7am), and the area, which is mostly populated by the younger "party" generation.

As I serve these most, intoxicated and benevolent people, I adapt and adjust myself to their custom. From reading their body language, clothes, intoxication level or how big their pupils are, I read my customer like a Dan Brown novel. All of this must be processed within few seconds of the customer entering, first impressions are everything, considering the sub-conscious of the human brain absorbs information almost instantly and is then imprinted, hence making the first impression the most important because it is the first thing they remember about you and will have the biggest impact.

Everyone has a different reaction, and they always change.

Being in this customer service profession has tought me alot of lessons. One day, some-one could be the happiest person on the planet, then a chain of mis-fortunate events happens to come across his path, making him/her, not so happy. Newton's law has it, "What goes up, must come down". This applies to almost anything in the world, such is the balance of life, for without evil, we would never have good, because it wouldn't exist (Ying and Yang), which makes me think, maybe you have to be evil, to be good, because how will you ever truly know the meaning of "good" if evil never existed.

"Have you ever had something that you loved, and you felt unique having it, so you display and show it off, but then one day, it's not there anymore?".....Ted Roosevelt

...So you pray and pray to whatever god-like entity you believe in, that it comes back, but it has vanished into the abyss. Then you realise how much it meant to you, and now that you don't have it anymore, you no longer simply "like" it, but you "love" it. Therefore, to learn the true meaning of something, you must first apprehend living without it. Hence, without evil, there would be no good, because it simply would not exist for it would have no application or use.

"A happy person is too content with the present, to think about the future"....Albert Einstein 

The secret to life, to some, is a rhetorical question. But in this one case, I was told that the secret to life is not simply happiness (as one would automatically assume), because happiness is only a state of mind, which can be altered and modified. According to this person, preparation is the secret to life, because no watter what situation you are in, no matter how horrific or horrendous it may be, the only beneficial thing you can do, is prepare for the next scenario, mentally. There are other choices of-course, but lets admit it, revenge and anger never got us anywhere good.

Use the Armies of the Past......

Why think about what you are going to do, when somebody has already done it. We have to remember that there is always a solution for a problem, because, there wouldn't be a problem if the solution didn't exist (vice versa, ying and yang).

This is why history is so important. I recall some students in school used to say "Why do we need to know about this miss? it's in the past....", because at one point, you just might refer to what happen in that historical event, and apply it into you're own life.

Going to leave it here for now...
Next blog, continuation on the subconcious, how the brain functions (and how much of it), also space, aliens and inter-galactic resource wars. You thought America going into Iraq to steal their oil was bad....just wait until a battalion of super-intelligent super-evolved aliens start harvesting our very limited resources..... stay tuned

(side-note: I apologies for over-using the word "maybe" because I like to look at everything from a different perspective. Therefore I will most likely have more than one opinion on a subject, therefore everything to me is a theory, and (almost) never a fact, that's why I love sci-fi books and movies, but that's another story for another blog)