Thursday, June 9, 2011

Random customer chitter-chatter

(2:47am, Friday morning, Ref is working at a 24 hour convenience store)

Customer: How are you Ref?

Ref: I'm al-right man

C: Oh come-on, what's the matter?

Ref: Girl troubles man

C: Ahhh, just don't settle for a chicken dinner over a rump roast

Ref: You can't compare meals to girls. A cooked chicken doesn't have a hobby or feelings, or a vagina.

C: Yes they do!

Ref: How do they have feelings?

C: They don't, but they have a vagina

(Ref laughs till his ribs hurt and his kidneys start to ache)

(Customer raises his hand in sign of farewell)

(Customer exits)

(Ref continues to laugh)
(Dim Light)
(Fade out to black)
(Lower curtains)